Understanding the background to a case is critical to choosing how a defense team responds. Job One is to find out what went wrong, why, who’s responsible, and to what extent.
Within 60 days of Kronenberg Law taking a case, our clients will: Receive a full description of background facts, Be counseled on the pertinent law, Receive our written opinion on the potential liability exposure, Understand our recommendation for going forward
There are cases that simply cannot get a favorable verdict, no matter how much we prepare, so resources would be better devoted to a settlement strategy. In such situations, we’ll work to uncover any weaknesses in the plaintiff’s case that can serve as leverage in settlement negotiations.
The goal at Kronenberg Law is to go to trial with a “winnable” case, yet also to win cost-effectively. We’ll clearly point out your options. If you do decide to go to trial, we’ll be ready. At Kronenberg Law, we provide aggressive and highly knowledgeable courtroom representation.